
Weigh In

I took Johnny in to the pedi for a weight check this afternoon--baby boy gained 10 oz. in a week! He's up to 7 lbs. 1 oz. We're so proud. Kathy said he looked great! We'd have to agree. He's doing really great and is such a good, sweet baby. A week in, Lola seems to still be quite fond of him too, showing compassion to his sweet cries and concern the moment his binky falls out (which she enjoys taking out and putting back in for him, repeatedly. Sigh...at least she's not asking for it back so she can have it! Score there.)

Life at home, solo with two during the day is going great. Yesterday Lola was a perfect angel from start to finish. She even pooped on the potty! Today was a different story--she woke up at 6 am and decided she didn't need to go back to sleep. Mommy decided it was naptime by 11:30 am though, and she woke up a different child. Her imperfect moments don't tend to stress me out because they aren't that common. She's two. She needs to act like it every now and then. I can't wait until she's grown enough to understand when we tell her just how wonderful she was as a baby/girl.

We are SO excited for Christmas in just a few days. We have a few special presents for her, a huge box arrived from Florida yesterday with her name on it, and we have wonderful family timed planned with my sides on Christmas Eve & Day. Stay tuned for a Christmas Bib fashion show staring Johnny in the days to come....

And finally, a quick snapshot of Mommy & Johnny, Kangarooin' at home. (With the Moby wrap, a must have for a mother of two.)

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