
Ups & Downs

Two steps forward, one step back. 

I once read somewhere that was the best way to describe the roller coaster that is life in the NICU. 

Johnny has had a few Bradycardia episodes (Bradys, for short) in the last 24 hours so the earliest he can now come home is Tuesday. 

Basically, his little body does so much while eating that sometimes his heart will forget to pump as hard. By no means does it stop. It just slows down a bit. It's not a good thing, but it's a very common preemie thing. He should grow out of it by his due date, but hopefully it will be before that. 

So know we just wait. Wait until he is Brady free for 5 days and they kick us out once and for all. 

It will be a test of patience for selfish reasons--we are just so excited to bring him home! And for him to meet his amazing sister. 

In other news, big boy had his circumcision and did great. We have our favorite nurse Mary again today and she went with him for the procedure. That made Mommy feel so much better!

Also, he latched on so perfectly today and nursed strong for 15 minutes straight. I was so proud of him. Since he's very close to being back to birth weight, I got the ok to alternate bottle and nursing every feed. We both prefer the later for sure. He's a natural. 

1 comment:

kkulans said...

Man I feel like I'm reliving our 12 days in the NICU. We had the same troubles with bardes preventing us from coming home. He came home on a monitor which def put our minds at ease at home. Thinking about you guys!