
Little Miss Broadway

Our girl had her debut performance this afternoon and did an awesome job. We are so proud of her. She loved the stage (hmmm, wonder who she gets that from!) She had so much family there supporting her and we're so thankful everyone could join us! 

Here's our little diva, on the way to the show. I'm not exaggerating when I say it took me 3 times to get that bright red lipstick right. She's such a trooper when it comes time for hair & make-up, ha!
 Since she's one of the two smallest in her class, she's all the way on the end, stage right.
The finale was an awesome celebration for a year's worth of hard work by all involved...the teachers, assistants, dancers...and parents/grandparents who help finance this expensive hobby. It was the studio's 20th year/production and a great testament to what can happen when a person decides to open a "small" business. Amazing. And inspiring.
I have the fondest memories of my family meeting me after my ice skating performances to give me bouquets of flowers--so to see Lola receive two very special bouquets, from Grammy, Mimi and Papa, was wonderful :)

 She was sure to snag a balloon from the finale drop, too!

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