
Johnny {18 Months}

Johnny is 18 months old--a year and a half! Words can't describe how much we are loving this stage. He is such a sweet boy, filled with laughs, love and smiles. Of course, we are not without some of the toddler tantrum moments, but that just comes with the territory. 

We went for his well-baby check up last week. He's officially cracked the 30 lb. mark. He has stayed constant on the growth chart--90% for weight, 75% for height. We're thinking he'll make a perfect linebacker! 

He loves playing with his sister. I rarely have to break up any argument between the two--they are great playmates and have a sweet bond. Common sites are them sitting together on the Pottery Barn chair to watch a movie, holding hands in the backseat of the car or chasing each other around the playground. 

Speech therapy is going well. He is making some great new sounds and what we think are some emerging words. We are so hopeful and really don't have any worry. We know it will all come in time, just as everything with him has. The other day, they were watching Cat in the Hat and after Cat said "Go, Go, Go...on an adventure." He repeated "Go, Go, Go" perfectly--it was so cool. 

Physical therapy is going great, too. To think the boy who now practically runs we once wondered if that would ever even be possible. Watching him walk will never get old and seeing him navigate new physical obstacles in the everyday world with determination is so exciting. John & I will watch him do something new, look at each other as if to say "Did you see that?!" and smile back at one another with so much joy. 

He is already enjoying the heck out of the summer and all the water fun that comes along with it! He gets such a kick out of splashing around. We have yet to hit our community pool, but are looking forward to doing that this weekend. Hope he loves the big pool just as much as the small pools!

If possible, he grows more beautiful by the day. His stunning physical features match his sweet heart. He *still* hasn't gotten his first hair cut. It's just around the corner though--a little trim is needed for the summer!


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