
The 40/40 Club

John enters the 40/40 club today. We're off to enjoy a day in the city, just the two of us. We have really been taking advantage of Grammy & Mimi being so generous with their time, as always!

Lola woke up this morning and first thing, just like on my birthday, wished her Daddy a happy one. How she remembers that, right when she wakes up, is beyond me. She was so excited, she was dancing with joy....
 She, of course, was so excited when she saw presents.
 But then I had to tell her they were for Daddy, not her. Sad face.
 Kisses for her prince.
 Card from Mommy. Love when I can make him cry. He gets me every time. So it's nice to repay the favor :)

 "Daddy, is that a robot?"
 Explaining the SW crew members...

 Saw this and had to have it for John Wooden's biggest fan.

 The expression of complete shock/joy/contentment/peace when he saw what was in the next box...
 HIS CHEMEX! My husband is a coffee snob, have you heard?
And then another surprise. The Dia de los Muertos coffee cup he spotted in a store while shopping in Nashville!

 Lola thought it was a hat.
 Mister-Mister decided to sleep through present opening--how adorable is he?!

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