
Sweet Baby Ayla

Yesterday, Lola and I headed into the city to spend the afternoon with our wedding photographer, Kristina Carter, and her sweet new family. Her beautiful daughter Ayla is just like her Mommy--sweet, kind, happy and very adventurous. She's only 9 months--and is walking!

Lola was so well behaved as Kristina and I chatted--and lit up when Ayla woke up from her nap, ready to play. The natural light was incredible in their condo/studio--I'm so jealous--so of course I had to snap of few of these two. We can't wait to play again this summer. No doubt Ayla will be running at that point!
Lola is so good at "nice" these days. We wondered if she'd every grasp the concept during her flailing-hands-to-the-face stage as a baby.
And the mommies--can you spot us both? :)

1 comment:

Kristina said...

OMG I love these. Esp the one with Lola's hand on Ayla's head and the one of the "mommies" great eye!! You really are getting great with your camera :) Can you email me those :)