
A cute moment.

This afternoon, while running errands, Lola was in her car seat, chatting on her cell phone (John's old one.) She's usually saying "Hi" to Titi & Papa--but today, she said hi to all of her friends from her favorite show, "Yo Gabba Gabba!" It went something like this:

"Hiiiiii Muno"
"Hiiiiii Foofa"
"Hiiiiii Brobee"
"Hiiiiii Toodee"
"Hiiiiii Pup" (His name is Plex, but she says "Pup" and John thinks it's the funniest thing.)

Usually, she'll talk about her friends when she can see them--in a book, on TV, in stuffed form. But this was the first time she has recalled from memory, sans sight. She continues to put countless smiles on our faces daily. It's the simplest moments that continually remind us she is the best part of life.

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