
Hello Second Trimester!

Baby Stine (24 weeks) and Baby Hernandez (13.5 weeks)

Well, we're here! Officially! I'm in the second trimester and this is a big milestone in pregnancy. Things have been relatively calm up to this point and we're praying they stay that way for the next two trimesters. We celebrated with a great visit with friends--Chris and Tracy came in from this city and Tom, Alissa and Ellyana came from all the way down the street! We had some fun with Ellyana, caught up on what's new with everyone, and most importantly, Alissa gave Chris a very important lesson on the proper use of the Baby Bjorn. He's a natural! After that we headed to Sam & Jake's for a pregnancy indulgence--ICE CREAM!

Ellyana and Alissa, all bundled up!

Tracy and Ellyana introducing themselves

Alissa gets Chris set to Baby Bjorn
(I think this is Ellyana's first modeling job!)
It's fits. Looks great on you Chris!

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