
Bedrest, Hospital Style

Well--things have changed a bit. Instead of doing strict bedrest at home, on Tuesday, my doctor informed me she'd feel much better if I was on bedrest in the hospital. Tuesday's ultrasound showed my cervix to have funneled even more than before. Since we've already made it to 28 weeks (today), why take any further risk? I, of course, agreed. Mom was able to take me home and get me all packed up and then John brought me back to the University of Chicago on Tuesday night. I've been here ever since and will stay until 32 weeks--at least that's the plan. Hopefully Johnny stays in until then (I really think he will!) and I can come home after that, and do a little more bedrest until 34 weeks. If he comes anytime after 34 weeks, given all we've gone through, my doctor would view that as a success.

I feel so incredibly grateful for so many things....that I've made it to 28 weeks (huge milestone), that my doctor is so conservative, that I'm surrounded by the best family and friends to help support us through this, that John works with a team who is so supportive and understanding, that I have a strong faith that makes me certain everything will turn out just fine, that we're steps away from one of the best NICUs in the country should Johnny decide to change his mind and come out despite everything. I'm thankful for it all.

As you can imagine, the hardest part is being separated from John & Lola. I know our trio will make it through this and than at then end, we'll have added even more love to our family by becoming FOUR! Today, John, Lola and Papa came up to visit me at the hospital. This upcoming visit has sustained me all week...

It was so amazing to snuggle, hug and kiss her (and my husband, of course!). We watched the newly released "Beauty & the Beast", colored, sang songs and even went for a super fun wheelchair stroll around the University of Chicago Hospital grounds (Doctor approved of course.) Fresh air is mandatory as treatment of a patient on bedrest, as far as I'm concerned. I'm so glad we got to enjoy the sunshine, warm air and fall colors together.
Eating yummy pumpkin cookies made by Parker :) Tracy came and visited yesterday--bringing lots of smiles and fantastic goodies!

Here's a little snapshot of my "prison" calendar...I'm counting the days until November 6th when I'll be 32 weeks...and free! You can also see the beautiful art projects made by Lola (with Papa at storytime) and Parker (my boyfriend!).
And finally, as if a visit from my loves wasn't already fantastic enough, Santa (aka John) gave me my Christmas gift early....an iPod Touch!!! I have been wanting one of these for months. Well, I've been wanting an iPhone for a long time, but once I found out this guy existed, I quickly crossed that off my list and told him I'd much rather this. You can only imagine how excited I am to set this all up tonight. I really had no idea how I'd manage a whole 4 weeks without a techno link to the outside world--my husband is the best, in so many ways. I can even video chat with my family members who have iPhones, too--Mommy, Ren, Ronnie, Timmy, Lindsay--Did you hear that?! :)

1 comment:

natalie said...

oh no, so sorry to hear you're in the hospital kristen. but sounds like you have an excellent hubby and fam. hope johnny stays in there. love you lots!