
Rice Cereal

I've started giving Lola a little rice cereal here and there over the past week--mostly to get her used to sitting in her booster seat and eating from a spoon. Yesterday and Today, she did very well. We got about a half a tablespoon in yesterday and about a tablespoon today. She actually ate dinner with us this evening--we went to Dad & Sue's for dinner and she sat at the table with us. Mommy would take a bite of her dinner and then Lola would get a spoonful of cereal. She's pushing less and less out at every feeding and I think she is really getting the hang of it. 

I'm so excited for this new chapter in feeding! I can't wait to move on to Sweet Potatoes. I have been planning on making her baby food forever, so I did a trail run a few weeks ago. I must say, I make some good Sweet Potato puree! She's going to love it...I hope! I have to look back at the list of wedding gifts we received and send the person who gave us our Cuisinart an extra thank-you note!!!

I'll post some pictures soon of our little cereal eater...

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