
Potty Training 101

Potty Training 101 began on Wednesday for Lola--and Mommy! I tried to follow the "boot camp" method as much as possible--ie, straight to "underpants" (as Lola calls them). Well, on Day 1, it's safe to say I felt like I had a new puppy in the house...I cleaned up 9 accidents. Day 2 was MUCH better. While she's still not accident free, she's doing AMAZING for Day 5. The whole objective of this mission is to have her potty trained fully by the fall when preschool starts--I think we'll be in good shape by then :)

Because we're so proud of how she's done, we took a trip to the Disney store yesterday to get a "Beauty & the Beast" play set and plush "Mrs. Potts". Yes, "Beauty & the Beast" is her new obsession. (So much so Mommy is hearing the songs in her sleep--thankfully it's a great score.)

So here she is, having breakfast at her "tea table" with her new crew.

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