
Fantastic news...

Many of you know my obsession with Chick-fil-A. When we're in Florida, I eat there more than is probably healthy. Mom & Dad even got me a party tray at Lola's birthday party as a surprise. Well, you could imagine my incredible excitement when I read in the paper this morning that Chick-fil-A will be opening in Orland Park in the Spring!

I'm a little bummed because I contacted them several years ago about opening a franchise (on the suggestion of Cousin Ray Colado) but they wrote back and told me the Chicago market wasn't one of their target areas. Looks like they changed their mind and forgot to contact me. Oh well, I'll get over it and be happy eating their sandwiches WHENEVER I WANT now!

They also have this really cool promotion that the day the store opens, the first 100 people in line get Chick-fil-A for a year! I'm seriously considering participating in this endeavor, though I know people tend to camp out for days in advance. Could be an experience!

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