
14 months

I was falling asleep last night when I realized--Lola is 14 months old today! Wow.

She is such an engaging toddler. We stopped by the shop this morning to get an oil change and she was hanging out, interacting with everyone who came in and out (in addition to re-arranging all the magazines the guys have for the customers to read while they wait.)

She's very vocal these days and is really starting to say her first few words:
Bye (which she now says as she waves "good-bye")
No (I'm pretty postivie she's saying this word---usually when I say "yes" she'll say "no". Hmmm....)
Nigh-nigh (she tried to repeat this word after I said it the other night--and everytime I said it she laid her head on my shoulder--too sweet)

As for height and weight, you'll have to wait until her 15 month check-up next month. I think her growth has slowed down a bit, perhaps because she's constantly running around the house! Her hair is growing--finally! It's so pretty and silky. We love putting bows and clips in it. And she continues to be an angel, as always. I pray #2 is as good as her, but we all know that never happens.

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