
9 Month Stats

We just got back from the pediatrician's office and Lola is just were she should be physically and developmentally. She was all smiles for the nurse and Dr. Geja. Lola showed them how she could clap hands, do "so big" and babble and squeak so everyone knew she was in the building. Dr. Geja commented on her great social skills. She never really clams up when she's around strangers. That's defiantly a characteristic she gets from me! She gave a little cry when she got her shot, but as soon as I picked her up and gave her a hug she stopped and then was sweet enough to give the nurse a smile, even though she has just poked her!

She weighed in at 18 lbs. 5 oz. and is 27 3/4 inches long. 50th percentile for both. We guessed between 18 & 19 lbs. and we were right on. We go back in 3 months for her 1 year, which is just nuts when we think about it! She's going to be a year old in just a very short while and we can't wrap our heads around that. Nevertheless, I've already begun planning her 1st birthday party!

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