
Sleeping Through The Night?

I forgot to include this in my "FIVE MONTH OLD" post, but now that I think about it, the subject deserves it's own post entirely!

At the risk of TOTALLY jinxing ourselves, we're happy to report that Lola is now Sleeping Through The Night! She started as soon as we got back from Florida. While she hasn't mastered the art of putting herself to sleep (we still rock her, but only for a bit), we're very proud of this new accomplishment. I have to believe it's not a whim because she's at the age where she's capable of doing it and it's been a good, solid two weeks now. She's had about two bad nights in two weeks. But when we go to bed at night, we lay our heads to the pillow thinking the next time we will see her beautiful face is between 5:30-6:00 am. Works for us!

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