
Happy as a clam...

That's right. Little Miss Lola seems to still be quite content in there still at 38weeks, 2 days. I had a doctor appointment this morning and she's showing no signs of a departure anytime soon, despite our recent begging to my belly. It's crazy, you get so close to the end and just can't take it anymore you're so excited. We want to give her "outside" kisses in the worst way, but she's keeping us all in suspense.

A little side note...she made us think she was ready to show on Friday. From 8 am on, I had contractions all day long. Real ones, the kind that stop you in your tracks. So when John got home at 5 pm and they were about 5 mins apart, we headed down to the hospital (after a quick stop at Panda Express of course!). When we arrived, they hooked me up to the monitors and intense contractions were registering every 4 minutes. But since I wasn't dilated, the resident on call made me and John take a 2 hour walk around lovely U of Chicago hospital to determine if it was real labor or not. I guess walking is the true test. If you take a nice long walk and the contractions persist, you're in labor. If they stop (which they did after the first hour), you're in "false" labor.

I'm praying my water breaks so I don't have to play the guessing game again only to be sent home. Only time will tell...thankfully, it's just another 12 days!

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