
We've arrived!

Our second road-trip down to Florida was a complete success. John rocked it, driving 20 hours in 2 days...and no speeding tickets this time :) The kids were AMAZING. They deserve lollipops the size of Texas, ha! And our good ol' Subaru, with a fresh oil change and tire rotation from Timmy at the shop, gave us a SWEET 27.9 miles to the gallon. Love!

 What's better than a sleeping baby on a 20 hour road-trip?!
 2 hours from Florida, Johnny decided it'd be a good idea to poop all over himself, hence the naked baby. How sweet is this brother/sister duo?!
 This morning, we headed to Park Ave. to a little shopping. New fun sandals for Mommy & Johnny and a big pretty bow for Lola.
L is for Lola...and Lilly!
Making wishes.
Mommy happy in her MJC :)
Watching the Amtrack roll through town.

In the candy store. John holding up the "Marital Bliss Bar"...HA!
There's my girl!

After a fun morning of shopping, we stopped to visit Titi at the Sweet Shop and have a delicious lunch a 4Rivers Smokehouse, complete with a back of the house tour...wow!

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