
She did it!

I posted a few weeks ago that Lola could roll over from her tummy to her back. Since then, she's been working diligently to roll over from her back to her tummy, a more challenging task for the infant. About a week ago, she rolled over for John. Then, on Thursday, she rolled over for my mom. While I was out running errands yesterday, John called to say she had done it again, twice. By the time I got home, she was rolling over from her back to her tummy with ease. And quickly. You take your eyes off of her for a second, and she's rolled over! We're so proud of her. Just the beginning really!

Another accomplishment...yesterday was moving day for Lola. She is now sleeping in her nursery in her crib--no longer in our room. I must say it was very hard for me but like I had hoped, we all slept better last night. She went down around 8:30 pm and didn't wake up until 4:00 am. At that time, I nursed her a bit and she slept again til about 7:00 am. I'm currently reading a book (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child) which I'm hoping will help her get on a little more structured nap schedule so she can sleep more at night. We'll see how it works!

We got some cute pics of the big girl in her new crib which I'll post ASAP! Well that's about it for now. We're getting ready to go take our Christmas card picture. Cheezy, I know. But we're excited. It'll be our first "professional" family picture together. And will be hitting a mailbox near you soon (pending they come out half way decent!)

Have a great Sunday everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin:

I just received a VERY battered and torn birth notice in today's mail. Gotta love the snail mail. Congrats!!! Can you send me your email address and snail mail address so we can stay in touch. We are on facebook if you want to join. I thought about a blog but most of our friends and family are on FB so whatever! My email is rachel@bloomincrazy.ca

Anyway, Congrats....she is soooo beautiful! What a doll! How do you like being a Mommy? It is the best, most exhausting job one can have. Cheers! Love to John and Lola too!