
{Daisy Girl Scouts}

Over the past few weeks, a fellow Kindergarten mom from Lola's class and I have been training to be Girl Scout leaders in preparation to lead a troop of Daisies at the Academy. We had our first meeting today and it was AWESOME! The girls did so great and were very excited. It means so much to me to be able to do this with her and her classmates, as I have the fondest memories of my 4 years spent in Girl Scouting as a Brownie & Junior. 

We learned the Girl Scout Promise, and did a craft to go along with it. Next week, they will recite the promise together as a troop in order to earn the center of their Daisy flower, the blue Promise Badge:

Each petal of the above pictured flower represents part of the Girl Scout Law:

Presenting Daisy Girl Scout Troop #70798:

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