
Frank Lloyd Wright Races

Earlier this summer, Sue registered her and I for the Frank Lloyd Wright 5K up in Oak Park. It was a PERFECT fall day for a walk/run. They picked me up at 6:30 am so we could be at the start line by 8.

My Dad may turn wrenches for a LIVING but his HOBBY and love is and always has been architecture. I am SOOOO thankful he shared his love of architecture with me from a very early age, allowing me to foster my own love and appreciation of it. He has drafted many styles but his favorite by far is FLW's Prairie style. It was so cool to run past many of Wright's buildings, among them the Unity Temple and his own Home & Studio. 

We picked up our packets at the Oak Park River Forest High School fieldhouse and put on our fun race shirts. 

Not the best picture of Sue...Dad told her her shoe was untied just as I was taking this picture...but she crossed the finish line beating her personal best...AWESOME! 
Waiting at the start line.

 Some of the FLW homes on the course.
 Austin Park

 Home and Studio

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