
Christmas Morning {2011}

We had a fun and relaxing Christmas morning. We all got some wonderful surprises from "Santa". Renee got some fun new t-shirts, Mikey got gift cards towards his new Kindle Fire, Mom & Dad got a hand grinder for their beans and a new picture frame and the kids got lots, including an AWESOME new wagon (which fit in our car, so we were able to bring it home!). I gave John a new pair of P. Rod's (Nike SB Shoes, for those that don't speak our lingo) and a special baseball Johnny & I made together for him--he spoiled me with L.L. Bean slippers, ear buds, a lululemon gift card and...an iMac.

The thoughtful gift-award of the year though has to go to Renee--she made John a beautiful book commemorating their experience at Lollapalooza this summer and Ren gifted me with a special necklace from Etsy with "13.1" hand-stamped on it--the amount of miles we'll be running together come February 26th. So sweet.

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