
December 23rd

We arrived in town VERY early the morning of Dec. 23--we figured we'd go right to sleep, but we were all so excited to be together, we ended up hanging out, catching up, eating Pistachio cookies (!!!), playing with Rudolph and giving the kids baths at 1 am! It was fun :) We slept until about 7 am and then got up for the day. Ren and I went for a run in the beautiful weather and then later on, we headed over to Uncle Rich, Aunt Janis & G.G.'s house for a visit. Then, as par for the course, Mom whipped up something fab for dinner. Johnny ended up getting sick later in the day and we had to make a trip to the ER to be safe on Christmas Even morning, but he ended up getting better within 24 hours, thankfully.

It was just the start of a great week of being together.

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