
Johnny-3 Months

Johnny isn’t officially 3 months until next Saturday, but we’ve got a busy week ahead with his Christening on Sunday and travel to Florida on Wednesday--so I thought I’d better get this blogged now while I’ve got a chance!

First off, his size--oh my! He’s such a little tank! I’m guessing he’s about 12 pounds, but we won’t go back to the doctor until he’s 4 months. More to love!

He’s been hanging out in his cloth diapers for the last few weeks and seems quite comfy in them. Mommy is loving them, too :) So glad we started earlier this time around.

He’s been raising his head higher and higher during tummy time--almost looks like he’s ready to get his chest off the floor, which I’m sure will come in the next month. He seems happier about doing it, too. Not as crabby.

Speaking of crabby, he’s a little fussier than Baby Lola was, but in the same breath, we think he offers more smiles than she did at this age. He LOVES if you play peek-a-boo with him and will give you all the smiles you want.

He has been sleeping quite well at night, only getting up once to eat.

He coos sweetly and is focusing hard on trying to figure out how to take swipes at the hanging objects in his bouncy seat. He’s done it a few times and kicks in delight when it happens--and SMILES! It’s so fun to watch.

He’s being a good sport about being held by his sister and her “neediness” now that he’s a part of our family. She’s very kind to him but she’s realized he’s taking attention away from her and at times, isn’t thrilled about it. But that just goes with the territory of having a new baby in the house. With all the adjusting she’s had to endure over the last 6 months--we can still say she’s our awesome girl.

Spring is in the air today and will surely be here to stay once we return from Florida. That being said we CAN NOT wait to get down to the sunshine state to share our new boy with family and friends. It’s pretty much his official debut into the world because we’ve kept him at home inside the entire Winter. To make up for it, we plan to be out as much as humanly possible from here on out!

Sometimes, he'll roll over!

Hello beautiful.
"Mom, who is running this show--you or HER?!"


Fich said...

uber cuteness! sJ2 looks like his mommy!! hope all is well!! BF!

The H's said...

thanks brian :) hope your little cuite is doing well!