
+ Loving Mary +

Yesterday, we told Lola that she was going to be able to bring Mary flowers before Mass. Lola visits with Mary every Mass, but today was extra special. August 15 is the day on the Church's calendar that we celebrate Mary's Assumption into heaven--body & soul. We wanted Lola to bring her something special as a symbol of our love for her.

Last night, while we were laying in bed talking about how she was going to bring Mary flowers, she was quick to add: "I give her kiss. I give her hug." And then, when we were getting out of the car this morning and said: "Ok, we're going to go see Mary now." she was quick to also add: "I see Jesus." It amazes us that at such a young, tender age, she is already able to connect the two. I do not recall "learning" about my faith so much as since I can remember, I've know it. That is our hope for her--that she never recalls a time when she didn't know the love our faith provides.
The "kiss"

The "hug"

Our sweet girl.
She wanted to make sure she said hello to St. Francis as well.

As always, we run into Papa at some point during 10 AM Mass. What a blessing to still have him, so full of life. That OUR grandparents know Lola and she knows them is something we treasure.

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