
Survey says...

...no change on the cervix this week. Score! Mommy is so proud of Lola.

I'll go in for 2 more weekly check ups and then I'm done with the measuring of the cervix. But I'll be on bedrest until 34 weeks (mid-June). After that, my doctor said I can do whatever I want. I'm sure I'll still take it easy between weeks 34-37 (full term) but by the time week 37 rolls around, I'll be doing jumping jacks!

Mom and I got to see her face again this week on the 4D ultrasound. She is more beautiful than ever and it's pretty evident she does in fact have my chubby cheeks. Perhaps I'll post a picture of what those cheeks look like at about 6 months old. You'll be shocked!


The Third Trimester...

(27 weeks...rockin' one of Shelby's tops!)

...is upon us! We've entered the home stretch today and our little Lola will be here before we know it. We're more excited than ever and cannot wait to meet our daughter in just a few short months. Please keep praying she stays in there until at least mid-July...it's working so far!! :)



26 weeks...and updates

I had my weekly ultrasound on Tuesday (26 weeks) and I got to see the most incredible shot of our sweet baby girl's face on the 4D ultrasound. She is just beautiful! I just stared at the screen in amazement--as far as I can tell, I think she's the perfect combination of John & I. We'll see in a few more months for sure. I couldn't get over how well I could see her little lips and, what looks to be, Mommy's chubby cheeks!

As for how I'm doing...well, I'm still on bedrest. My cervix got a little bit shorter this week. Nothing drastic, but it shortened for the first time in 2 months. So I'll remain on bedrest until the foreseeable future. I have a feeling I'll remain under house arrest until 32 weeks and then, my doctor will take it week by week. However long it ends up being, I'll do it to keep her in there! She's worth it all.

Last week I mentioned I took the 1 hour gestational diabetes test. Well, I failed it. So on Tuesday I had to take the 3 hour fasting test to determine if I had it for sure. Thankfully, I passed and Lola can go back to having her weekly Chocolate milkshake from Culver's she has come to to love. :)

This past week has really been amazing with her. Since Sunday, she has been jumping off the walls of my belly and rolling around every which way. This is by far the most active she has been and Mommy is just smitten. She's not even here yet and she makes me happier than I could have ever imagined. John and I know we're in big, big trouble when she does finally arrive. There's not doubt she's going to have us wrapped around her finger.

Hope all is well with everyone! xoxo


Happy Birthday Shirley!

Yesterday was a very important day in history...Shirley Temple's 80th Birthday! Now this may not be a big deal to you, but it's kind of special to me. I grew up watching Shirley's movies and signing her songs from the records my mom bought me. There's a scene in one of the movies where she is dancing around a living room with a woman who plays her mother. I remember thinking to myself, "I can't wait until I can dance and sing with my daughter!" And now, that dream is right around the corner! So, in the not to distant future, here are a few songs you may be hearing Mommy & Lola signing...my favorite Shirley Temple songs:


Prayers for Britt

Brittany is back in the hospital. She developed a terrible kidney infection on Sunday and had to have emergency surgery to relieve it early Monday morning. She's hanging in there in the ICU at Comer Children's Hospital. They've got her on a ton of different meds to try to wipe out the rest of the infection and relieve her discomfort. Ever the warrior, she's hanging in there and sounds great. We know she'll make a full recovery, we just ask for your prayers so it's a quick one this time. She's really looking forward to getting her pool installed in the backyard this month, so prayers for a nice hot summer for her to enjoy the water are welcome too!!!


The DiTore's come to visit...

Rich, Lindsay & Clark were in town this weekend and stayed with us Friday night. It was so great to see them, catch up and of course, be entertained by the impossibly adorable Clark! He's getting so big and has the best little personality. It was constant laughter and giggles out of him! We can't wait to see him and Lola together in just a few months. Here some pics of the adorable little DiTore!
Clark taking a walk with his Daddy around our living room.

Look Mommy, I can stand all by myself!

Hmm...what's this?

Ellyana came over to meet Clark. They're trying to figure each other out.

Let's get a little closer...
Ellyana trying to still a kiss. They were adorable together!
This little Monkey is done with his bath and ready for bed!


The Holy Father comes to the Bronx

Following in the footsteps of Paul VI and John Paul II before him, Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass at Yankee Stadium tomorrow. It will be broadcast live on CNN at 1:00 central time. I can't imagine a greater blessing on the Yankees...and us all!


Chicken Salad

I made this based on a Barefoot Contessa recipe and it came out really good!

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Cook & let cool, then dice into bite size pieces
10 green grapes, sliced lengthwise
1/4 cup of mayo
1/4 cup of sour cream
1/4 teaspoon of pepper
Salt to taste

Mix mayo, sour cream, pepper and salt in a bowl. Add chicken and grapes. Mix well and let hang out in the fridge overnight. Enjoy for lunch the next day!


25 weeks!

(Those chocolate milkshakes are obviously helping Lola grow!)

We're headed to the doctor this morning for some odds and ends and then have to head back tomorrow for a check-up on Lola and Mommy's cervix tomorrow. Today I'm getting a shot to mature her lungs, just in case she tries to get out early from her lease. I'll get another one tomorrow too. In addition, I'll have the Gestational Diabetes test as well as an Echo/EKG to check out my heart. I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse at 14 so they just want to make sure all's well. No big deal at all, actually a very common condition. We'll keep you all posted! :)

It's a boy!

Our dear friends Chris & Tracy Stine welcomed their first child early this morning!

Parker Lee Stine
4:01 am
5 lbs. 15 oz.
19 in.

Parker was 4 weeks early, but he, along with Mommy & Daddy, are doing great!

Congratulations Stine Family. We're so happy for you!

Click here to visit the Stine Family's website and see pics of beautiful Parker Lee.


Florida Baby Shower for Lola

Hi everyone!

I'm celebrating my 24th week today in Mommy's tummy apartment. Daddy said I have to stay in here until my lease expires in July. That's fine because when he's not looking, Mommy gives me all the chocolate I want! Daddy got back from Florida last week and I heard them talking about all the cute clothes everyone was so generous to give me. I can't wait to wear them.

See you in a few more months!

Love, Lola

Grandma Gracie got me this outfit. Mommy loves it because it has strawberries on it!
Aunt Ren got me this pretty dress!

I hope Daddy got some good advice from Uncle Ray!
Daddy said these cupcakes Aunt Ren made were really yummy!

It looks like Aunt Shelby and Grandma Gracie liked them too!

Here's my Uncle Tom and cousin Clark...I'm so glad they could make it to the shower.


Hallie Joyce Wallock

Our cousins James & Katie welcomed their fourth child into the world yesterday. Baby Hallie weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and measured 20.5 inches. Hallie joins big brothers Nicholas and Dimitri and big sister Sidney to make one complete (and large) happy Wallock family.

We're so happy for you guys!


Daddy kicks!

5 weeks after Mommy first felt Lola kick, Daddy got his turn Sunday night when he came home from a long (but great!) visit to Florida. Whenever I want to get her attention, I rub big circles with my hand on my belly and she usually responds a few seconds later. So Daddy did that and sure enough, she said "Hello!"

Another beautiful milestone on this 9 month miracle journey....