
No news is good news!

We just got back from my weekly doctor's appointment and things look great with the good ol' cervix. The length has stayed pretty much the same in the last 4 weeks, which is what we've been hoping for. So I'll continue house arrest (bed rest) until further notice. I'm hoping my doc will issue parole in about 2 more months. But only if I behave.

John's off to Florida for the week tomorrow without me. Very sad he has to go and I have to stay here. We were really looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating Joe & Traci's wedding. But thankfully, I have visitors lined up to visit every day of the week, so I'm hoping it flies by and Lola's daddy is home again before I even realize he's gone.

So there's the little update on us. Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes. We know they're working!


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