
Making Spritz

This video was lost in the archives for about a year (read: it was on my iPod touch and I just re-discovered it since I'm training for a half-marathon and have once again found a need for an iPod!)

Anyways, it was taken last year while Mom, Dad and Renee were in town for Thanksgiving. We all got a big surprise when Johnny arrived just a few days later.

This is a video of our "baby" girl. She clearly is no longer a baby--she is a big girl. And we LOVE the stage she is in now. I can't really put into words how magical our little preschooler is. But looking back at this video puts the biggest smiles on our faces, because it sums up to perfection just what an absolute ANGEL she was as that "baby".

1 comment:

Renee said...

I LOVE this!!! A memory I will always cherish.