
Locks of Love

I've had a bob 'do once every decade in my life--when I was 10, 20 and now, 30! I have been wanting to chop it all off for awhile now, do something fun and different. And I've always wanted to donate to Locks of Love. Yesterday, I went to Mario's where fellow Maid-of-Honor Keli chopped it all off for me, then cut it to perfection. I pray the people at Locks of Love can make good use of it.

I have to do a double take when I walk past a mirror--Is that really me?! John and Lola loved it, Johnny seems to still know who I am :) Washing it in the shower this morning was SO weird. That's going to take some getting used to. I couldn't put it in a pony if I wanted to--but thankfully, I don't. It's been in a pony way too much recently!

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