Baby girl is 21 months old--and she is at such a fantastic stage. We wish we could freeze time, because this is a blast. She is talking up a storm, picking up many new words each and every day. She is like una grabadora (a tape-recorder)!!! Today she learned two important new words: Yankees & Chooch.
Her manners make us very proud, saying "please" and "thank you" unprompted. Of course at this stage, the fantasticness isn't without a few "toddler" moments. When she's misbehaved, she gets sent to her room to think about what she's done. Often, she immediately starts crying, because she knows she made an oops. But shortly after she's started crying, she'll stop, stand at her door, and in her perfect and angelic voice profess: "I sorry Mon-ee." (Yes, Mommy is Mon-ee in our house.)
She can recognize every letter of the alphabet. You show her a letter, she'll tell you what it is. She can count up to 10 and is quickly working her way up to 15. She is also taking her first steps into what I hope will be a life-time love of reading. We have been working on sight-words and at this point she can read: I, am, of, he, up, on, my, by, it, is, with, play. I wrote a simple sentence on her white board and almost fell over when she read it. It said: "I am Lola." We didn't even know she could recognize her own name! She surprises us everyday...
We are very much looking forward to the summer, as Lola's favorite word is "outside"--we can't wait to be out in the sunshine daily and in June, enjoy a wonderful week in Florida with our family--and visit Mickey, of course! And then before we know it, she'll be turning 2. Being her Mommy & Daddy is life's greatest joy...
Go Irish!
Just a regular ol' diaper change with our 21 month old this afternoon. She counted to 10 to pass the time, the proceed to spell the words on my shirt:
Mommy then taught her how to say "Go Irish!"
Mommy then taught her how to say "Go Irish!"
Remembering Kailyn
Three years ago, we lost our second-cousin Kailyn to cancer at the tender age of 14. While she was fighting her 3 year battle with the disease, she established a foundation to raise awareness and funds for other kids with her specific cancer--the rare rhabdomyosarcoma. Every year, the foundation holds a very popular and successful golf outing--but ever the fashion diva that she was, Kailyn always wanted to host a fashion show, too. Her incredibly strong mom Karen, along with the help of her family and friends, fulfilled that dream of Kailyn's on Sunday!
It was such a beautiful day.

There was a silent auction made up of countless generous donations.
Karen, welcoming everyone. Kailyn's doctor from Children's Memorial also spoke--remembering Kailyn with such fondness and noting she had a wig for every occasion--again, the fashion diva.
Her friends sang an a capella arrangement that didn't leave many dry eyes in the house. Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah will do that.
And my beautiful sister who fought her own health battle--and who wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my beautiful mother. These two make a dynamic duo. Brittany continues to be such a blessing in our lives--it's been that way since the day she was born.
Our Gacek girls--Rita, Linda, Karen & Patti.

A little bit of the "fashion" part of the show. The handsome gentleman is Kailyn's older brother, Neil.
It was such a beautiful day.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Parker!
We headed up to Lincoln Square Saturday morning to help celebrate Parker Lee's 2nd Birthday. I swear it was just yesterday Chris & Tracy were texting us saying they'd have to cancel our plans for the weekend to BBQ--because Baby Stine had just decided to make an early entrance! And now, Parker's about to be a big brother in September--and he's going to be so great at it!
Parker, minding his manners, and reading the cards before he opens the gifts. :)
Lola loved playing with Parker's toys--the obvious, Elmo...
...but also his trucks! Oh, boy, does Parker have the truck collection!
The birthday boy and his beautiful mama. I love this pic of the two of them.

Yummy cake!
Lola is such a good eater--she was eating the yummy fruit and cheese--until she spotted Mommy eating Cheetos. That's all she wanted after that--and cake too, of course. But then again, that's what a birthday party is all about--FUN!
And an "attempt" to get a pic of the party guests. It was fire truck perfect!
And on our way back to the car. Spring in the city. Can. Not. Beat. Chicago this time of year!!! Prettiest city in the country.

Parker, minding his manners, and reading the cards before he opens the gifts. :)
Yummy cake!
Easter 2010

On Easter Sunday, Nonna, Papa & Lola went with Mimi & Papa over to Auntie Karen & Uncle Dave's house. As usual, they reported she was a very good girl all day. And when you're showered with love and affection, is there really any other way to behave? She made us so proud while we were gone, like always.

Just in time for summer!
Blessed with a BEAUTIFUL, sweet face? Yes. Blessed with hair to rival Mommy's? Not so much. But FINALLY, at almost 21 months, I am able to put my baby girl's hair in pigtails! I was watching a segment on Today this morning featuring some hot new baby products and there was this adorable Asian girl, with a hair line similar to Lola's--and she had pigtails in. I was inspired to give it another try. It'll be a great, cool style for the summer!
And on another note, these pictures were taken while she was rocking on her horse--which she can now climb on and off without any assistance! Big Girl!

And on another note, these pictures were taken while she was rocking on her horse--which she can now climb on and off without any assistance! Big Girl!
There's something so wonderful about watching your child form a friendship with the children of your own friends. I love watching how joyful she is when she's playing with her little buddies! And not only is she forming new friendships, but I feel like the relationships with my friends are strengthened as we bond over all that comes with being a mother.
A VERY fun day spent with Tiffany & Preston at Oak Lawn's Children's Museum (and Potbelly, for lunch!) just before John & I left for Ireland. Tiffany always captures such great moments through her lens. I treasure these!

A VERY fun day spent with Tiffany & Preston at Oak Lawn's Children's Museum (and Potbelly, for lunch!) just before John & I left for Ireland. Tiffany always captures such great moments through her lens. I treasure these!
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