I shocked myself by running the 5 miles almost straight, with no major walk breaks to speak of. Pretty shocking considering the last time I ran 3 straight miles was the Princess Royal Family 5K last February. But I guess when you Run-Walk-Run train long enough and complete a Half Marathon the month before, 5 miles is a breeze mentally and physically. I only wish there were more 8k's offered--it's a great distance!
About half-way through this race, I decided that I am going to "hit for the cycle" this year, running style. I've got a Half and 8k in the bag already, so all that's left is a 5k, 10k and 15k. (Remember, I have no plans to do a Full!) The plan is for a fun 5k somewhere along the way and the Chicago 10K in August and Hot Chocolate 15K in November. This running is fun :)
We parked up at the Stine's and took the Brown line down, got off at the library and headed over to Grant Park. John & Tracy, all smiles :)
Our Nike Dri-fit Tees given in our packets were perfect for the race, complete with Gaelic design and font.
My awesome husband, who has been so supportive of my little hobby.
Lana & Chris--and Flat Stanley!
"John, can you take our picture?"
Hugging it out.
Ready to go!
I love being out on the course and seeing runners of all shapes, sizes--and ABILITIES! This woman is far from disabled.

Crossing the river.

Sea of Gatorade. The volunteers that hand this out rock in my world!
How cute is she and how sweet is that sign?!
Mile marker. Take away the 47:23 and that's how long it took us to cross the Finish line!
SEARS tower.
So proud of Lana. She fought through some major blisters during the race. You wouldn't know it by the awesome smile on her face! She carried along her cousin Joseph's "Flat Stanley" with her, representing the great state of Texas!
Headed up the hill on Roosevelt, about to take the final turn. All the while I'm scouting out photo session spots, ha!

Baby Stine #3 is already a road warrior--not expected to make his (yep, I'm calling BOY, as my official guess!) arrival until mid-June, but already he's got a 5k, 8k and 15k under his belt. That's mama's boy!
Thirsty baby.
FINISHERS! Chris, Robyn, Lana, Me, Tracy/Baby Stine & Chris

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