
AFOS for Johnny

Mom and I headed downtown with Johnny this afternoon for an appointment with Dr. Gabler at the Rehab Institute of Chicago. She came very highly recommended from his nuerologist and physical therapist. The main goal of the appointment was to evaluate him for braces, specifically hinged AFOs (Ankle-Foot Orthotics). Our boy is doing SO awesome--cruising along everything. It's just a little difficult for him to stand without holding on to anything because he has such a tendency to stand on his toes, because of the increased muscle tone in his legs. The AFOs will help keep his foot at a 90 degree angle so he will be able to better balance himself to stand and walk.

Overall, it was a very happy, positive appointment. She commented that she sees walking and running and sports in his future. We're excited to see all he'll be able to accomplish with this new assistance. This last year has been filled with lots of doctors appointments and therapy sessions--at times, it's been exhausting, but all SO VERY worth it. I can't even imagine the emotion we'll feel when we do see him take those first steps. It's been very apparent for the last few months that there's no doubt that moment is in his future.

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